Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Deepavali!!!

I was so into the DEEPAVALI Mood that I greeted 
everyone I knew that celebrated Deepavali at my workplace

On the day before Deepavali....

 Then I realised....
On Deepavali Day....

Isn't it depressing that no one invited you to any open house on Deepavali?
Am I so unpopular???

Does this happen to you as well?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A (Very Overdued) Halloween Greeting!

Should have posted this ages ago... but Since my internet connection was down, I was only able to post it now...

Errr... So where is G-Devil?

Why so shy??


We at the Chaotic Little World wants to wish you....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Annoying SMS...

I received a message from an unknown number...

Not knowing who the stranger is, I replied;
"I'm fine. Can I know who is this?
How did you get my number?"

I even Google-ed for "" but the result come up nothing.
Plus I'm sure I did not give my number to any "Kevin"

So I replied; "Umm.. I think You got the wrong number, sorry".

I was surprised he sms-ed a reply back. 
Most probably to apologize, I thought.

Only to find out he has not learn from his mistakes...

In a fit of annoyance, I reply back;
"No dude.. I'm a guy..."

That should deter him from further ruining my day...

5 minutes later, I heard the "message received" tone again....

Having concluded this guy is never going to learn, I can only roll my eyes upwards and don't bother to entertain his SMS any longer.

If you are reading this... 
Thanks for ruining my day Kevin...
(Who ever you are...) 

And Shamini...  
Change your ****ing number!

Its not the first time I received love SMS from your many anonymous male friends...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Looking for a job (Part 2)

When I first accepted the "Sales and marketing job", I was (kinda) excited and nervous at the same time. I was excited because I thought I found my dream job; a challenging marketing job in a internationally recognized company which promises a good salary and good career growth prospect.

Based on their website, the job description lead me to think of it as a job where clients will come to the company in search for marketing ideas to campaign or launch their new product to the masses. Unfortunately I was very very wrong. 

Anyway, I will get back to that later...

The 1st day at work was uneventful as it was "Orientation and Training Day", I walked into the office expecting to see a group of aspiring marketer who, like me have just been recruited into the company.

Can you imagine how surprise I was to find the office empty, (except for a few senior staff discussing something in the corner). Where are the rest of the people who was suppose to attend training? Was I late? have everybody left for training somewhere else?

I was very disappointed when I found out that I was the only one who will be going through the orientation....
  Just one lonely aspiring marketer (ME) =(

Anyway, fast forward to several hours later... I have completed the training and was allowed to go home after lunch to rest up for the big day tomorrow. (The day where I will actually be doing real work...)
I was so pumped and motivated after training...

How naive of little G-Devil... Little does he know what awaits him tomorrow.

On day 2 of the "sales and marketing job", I was LATE for work!!! 
( I know.!!! what a great way for  first impression right?)

Today, I was assigned to field work at  Wisma Cosway,

 (For those of you who do not know where Wisma Cosway is... Its on the left hand side of The Pavilion)

 As I mentioned earlier, I thought the job requires 70% marketing and 30% sales skills, because the name for the job position was "Sales and Marketing Executive". Unfortunately, It turns out that the job actually requires 99.999% Sales Skill and 0.001% marketing skills.

Let me explain to you the daily routine of the "Sales and Marketing job".... 

  • Every morning,(At 8.30am) we have to go to the office for a briefing session before going out for field work
  • Then around 10am, we have to go to our assigned "STATIONS" located at most shopping malls and office areas.
  • At the station, we need to set up our station and get ready to make sales!
  • After that, we are suppose to stop any passerby to listen to our sales pitch and try to tempt him/her to sign up for our client's services/products.
This is what I was doing at my station....

It was after spending the whole morning stopping random strangers that it occurred to me that I have been conned (I would describe it more as "marketed") by one of the oldest tricks in the Marketing Handbook. The one where they make the things they are trying to market sound grander than it is.... 

For example, instead of using "Cleaning Lady" to describe the job, they change the job title to "Hygiene Operator Officer". Basically, the job tittle "Sales and Marketing Exec" is just a fancy name for a "annoying salesperson" job.  
Hi sir! Can I annoy you till you buy something from me?

In addition to that, the job does not give a basic salary or does it give any EPF and SOCSO benefits. You only earn money if you can successfully close a sale. 

In other words... No SALE, No Money!

Finding out that this job is not suitable for me, I sneaked away around lunch time and "SMS-ed" my resignation to the boss and my superior (I was too chicken to tell them face to face). My superior took the news quite well... He even wished me good luck in my future endeavors. Wish I could say the same for the Boss... 

My Boss's reply ;

How can you do this after all the effort we put into you?
(I only worked for less than 48 hours in with you... How much sweat, blood and tears did you pour into me?)
Seriously, what goes around, will come around.
(I'm have already gone around and I'm not coming back EVER!!! Especially after the SMS you sent )
(Hope NOT to see you again!!!)

Although I have no regret quitting the job, I can't help but feel depressed for being such a failure at not toughing it out,,, 


Hopefully my alternative "office job" will not be as misleading as this job...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm an Angry Kitty

Psst... Can you keep a secret? My master does not know I'm using his blog.... 

*slap forehead* I forget to introduce myself....
The name is Mimi... Don't you forget that! 

While I was snooping around to see what the master was doing, I saw him doing something so horrifying the image was forever etched into my furry feline mind.

What was this unspeakable act of horror that I speak of?
You know what I mean right? How could he be cheating on me behind my back? I feel so betrayed!!!

After all the love and devotion I have given to him, why does he still look for love somewhere else....
*wailing like a wife whose husband is having an affair*

If you don't I will poop in front of your doorstep! 
Help me or suffer the consequences... 

*Door opening* Mimi! Where are you? Time for your bath!!!!

Oh FISH!!! The master is back.. I have to hide now... 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Looking for A Job (Part 1)

I received a call from a "office job" position I applied at the beginning of September. 
The Good News is: I'm Hired (Hurray!)
The Bad news is: I have to wait for 3 months before I can start work (Something about having some HR issue)


Not wanting to be unemployed for another 3 months, I searched the classifieds for other job vacancy as an alternative.
Finally, by the end of the month, my hard work (of regularly sending hundreds of email) paid off.
I found another job related to sales and marketing.
When I got back home from my interview, I called the "Office Job" again to confirm again if I need to wait 3 months for the job...

 Suddenly, they told me that the HR issue has been settled... 
(Why never informed me earlier? #$%^)

 Now they wanted me to start work on the 1st of October. But few hours ago, I promised to start work at the "sales marketing" job on the 27th of September.


Therefore, now i'm in a dilemma... Which job should I go for? 
(Suddenly it seems like everyone wants to hire me...)
 I literally feel like this... (@_@). I can't decide which job I wanted to take. 

Therefore, I decided to try the "Sales and Marketing job" first to see if I like it there or not to determine if I should let go of the "office job".

Wish me good luck!!!! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do I look scary when I'm hungry?

Whenever I'm online, I always feel lazy to find food
Even when I'm starving and did not have a bite for the whole day...

Fortunately, on one of these occasion when I was hungry...
A guardian angel (Figuratively speaking) in the form of my roommate came to my rescue!

Apparently, the way I look when I was hungry is scary...
The look on his face was like this...

Hmm... I don't know if he dare to offer to help me anymore...
Especially when I'm hungry

When I'm busy surfing the net, I always feel too lazy to find for food, even if I'm starving.
(Yes, I know I am THAT lazy. Sue me!)

On one fine day, my roommate answered my silent prayer to save me from starvation
(Or maybe he just heard my tummy growling too loudly)

I was so grateful towards his act of kindness that I (err... maybe) showed it too enthusiastically.
The expression on his face was: Priceless...

Unfortunately, the look on his face shows that he was freaked out by my action. So I don't expect him to repeat his act of kindness any time soon.
(I should be happy he does not treat me like "Satan" reincarnate)