Monday, March 1, 2010

My blog needs to grow up... and a failed attempt to sell stuff to me..

I been thinking of changing the content of my blog from a "U" rated blog to a at least a "PG13" blog (If you know what i mean =))

At first i was worry that writing a non-wholesome blog would cause any unsuspecting children surfing the net to stumble on my blog and taint their innocent little minds.

Then i had a revelation.. U rated stuff are too boring. Nobody would want to read those stuff and their minds are most probably tainted already. So what the heck? I'm going to write what ever i want on MY BLOG and i don't give a DAMN whose mind i might taint in the future*Insert sinister laughter*

Next on a totally unrelated occasion... One of my friends wanted to sell me some Herbalife products but did not come fully prepared...

GD, you should really try this product because it can help improve your health and well being.

Really? How so?
*Perking up from interest*

You use these products everyday and then your overall health will improve tremendously.

The skinny will gain weight and the obese will lose weight. Plus if you have any diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack and even cancer! can be cured...

we have over 6million consumers around the world currently so i can confidently say that our product works!!!!

*in a really skeptical tone* Are you sure? Can this product really cure any diseases i have? is it some kind of of miracle potion? or is it a scam?

GD... I can assure you, this is no scam. I give you my word
(Not that you word is worth much) As long as you use our product consistently, you will see result!!!

Then i have one question. If i have a terminal disease like cancer and if i use your product consistently, I would be cured? Correct?

Yes.. Without a doubt.

Then, what if i stop using your product once i'm cured. Will there be any side effects?

Er...No.. There will not be any side effects if this product is consumed regularly.

I'm just saying "WHAT IF"... Will my cancer come back? or even worse will i die?

Umm... Err.... I'm not sure about that. Hmm... we never had a case like this before...
* Starting to sweat profusely*

With 6 million consumers world wide you never encounter customer who stopped using your products for a period of time? *Asking suspiciously while squinting my eyes to look menacing*

Umm.. Er... I don't know... I have to ask my superior about that...
*voice started to quiver*

Hmm.. Ok. Well , it was nice talking to you but i got to go now. Bye! Lets do lunch again sometime.
*Walks off uninterested*

The miracle cure to all diseases? You be the judge...

Next time get you facts straight before you try to sell something or you would end up embarrassing yourself.

Does not like direct selling...(Especially ill-ed prepared ones) G-Devil

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