The name is Mimi... Don't you forget that!
While I was snooping around to see what the master was doing, I saw him doing something so horrifying the image was forever etched into my furry feline mind.
What was this unspeakable act of horror that I speak of?
After all the love and devotion I have given to him, why does he still look for love somewhere else....
*wailing like a wife whose husband is having an affair*

If you don't I will poop in front of your doorstep!
Help me or suffer the consequences...
*Door opening* Mimi! Where are you? Time for your bath!!!!
Oh FISH!!! The master is back.. I have to hide now...
how whould you know how a wife wailing after the unfaithful husband, unless you being the unfaithful husband before? ah
Hmm.. Maybe the Cat was a playboy... I will have to ask him =)
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