Thursday, March 18, 2010

When will the suffering stop...

Hi everyone... Still G-Devil the "Store Boy" here...*Sigh* Still have not been promoted back to Office boy yet. By right, the warehouse clearance is supposed to be finished the 19th, which is tomorrow. Actually we finished everything last Even had a big McDonald feast to celebrate. LOVE MC D!!!)

Alas!! fate has a twisted mind who likes to play tricks on us mortals. We were informed that there is 800 carton on inventory coming in that needs to be sorted out!! Not only that.. For some reason, the old stocks that we sorted out have been sorted wrongly.... So we have to take out all of 2007 stocks (Imagine.. A WHOLE year worth of stocks!!!!!) and do it all over So have to extend being a store boy for another week!

I am (Or was ... I don't stay angry for long) so pissed Why did they not check properly on the correct procedures before asking us to do the stock clearance? Why should we bother to do again anyway!!!! blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comWe been working for non-stop for 2 weeks!! Now you want us to work for another week in that sweltering hot, smelly and dirty warehouse!!! blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comTo make things worst... Alot of the helper are getting angry of the warehouse management inefficiency that they do not want to work anymore!! So less manpower means more work for us and extended to a longer time...

*Sob sob* Have God forsaken us down below or is this one of his many trials???? (Over dramatic pose)
Yep... Life continues to suck for


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